Low-wage workers across the country are clocking out and rising up? Strikes to demand higher wages? Obama calls to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9? WTF. Ignorant is as ignorant does. 

Your wage is simply determined by what your worth. If you make $8/hr it's because someone could replace you if you decided to leave and do the exact same job. Being in a country that has plenty of people that are begging to get a job, I would tread lightly before striking and urging these large corporations to raise their bottom line. You know how they got large in the 1st place? by being competitive in the marketplace. To be competitive requires ANY business to ensure the bottom line is as low as it can go. 

So what is typically the largest expense in the factor of production? It's F'N labor. No rocket science there. This is especially crucial to understand when your selling products like cheeseburgers over selling products like computers. 

People... I URGE you to take a BASIC economics class. Raising the minimum wage has more negative impact than it does positive. Personally, I for removing it completely... but we can into those meat and potatoes on another discussion. If you think McDonalds should pay you more, then QUIT. I promise you they will be able to replace you tomorrow. Now lets look at the other end of the spectrum... say a starting QB (Tom Brady, RG 3, Manning, etc), or the leading engineer for NASA, or the top researcher @ Harvard quit tomorrow as well. Do you think it would be as easy to find a replacement? I think not. That's prolly, for starters, why they make the salaries they do. Complain if you want, but this is fact. 

To the $8/hr hamburger flipper, you think you deserve $15/hr? If I was your boss I would gladly show you the door. If you decided to protests and make a big scene in an attempt to force my hand... then I would escort you out the door. I promise you, by the close of business tomorrow, I can find someone to replace you. I will go as far as to say I bet I can find someone in this labor market that will do just as good of a job as you (flip "X" burgers per hr) and do it for $7.50/hr. 

Arguments for raising minimum wage mainly consist of the points that people can't survive or living standards are atrocious @ $8/hr. You know what I say? Thats not the company's concern. They are not in the business of making sure you have everything you want. They are simply in the business of flipping burgers...and doing it as cheaply as possible. It's not the company's fault that you have gov't that makes our country unable to live on $8/hr. 

This is part of the fuckin problem with the liberal side. They keep giving handouts to their voter base in order to attract and keep voters. This is part of why it's so expensive to live in this country. In the case of raising minimum wage, find me some enlightened economists who think this is smart. 

On the other side, you have conservatives who are equally as evil for they embed with religion in order to attract a voter populous... but as for sake in this argument, atleast they are conservative. (IE they try and stay out the minimum wage argument) 

If you want a solution, I propose you 1.) Take a basic economics course and challenge the professor everyday with all your minimum wage questions, then 2.) Stop voting R and D simply bc they have a R and D when you step into the voting block.... rather try something new, VOTE LIBERTARIAN. In a libertarian world, there would:

  1. A truly free market. (What's free about our market now when the gov't tells employers what to pay)
  2. Significantly less unemployment (Rob Sarvis is the ONLY candidate who is even close to making Virginia "Open for Business" where both employee and employers would benefit. 
  3. A DRASTICALLY cheaper (and more efficient) Gov't. If you want to start taking guesses on why you can't live on an $8hr salary, the first place I would start pointing is how expensive our government is.... and that's something both sides are to blame. One side gives too many handouts and the other believes is regulating the poo out of you. 

I could go on and on about this and would love to get more into the numbers and economic data behind it. If anyone would like to discuss this further, please email me @ [email protected]

-Jason Feimster

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    Former Marine, serial entrepreneur and active community leader who values service, dedication and making real contributions. 
    Strong libertarian with anarcho-capitalist tendencies. 


    August 2013

